Go Fetch

A Go Fetch membership gets you access to 24/7 live chat with a veterinary professional AND 5% cash rewards on all your vet expenses!

Check it out here at https://health.gofetch.ca/

PetDesk Pet Desk

A mobile app that allows you to view your pet's vaccine status, request appointments, and request prescription refills!

Check it out here at https://petdesk.com/

Scratch Pay Scratch Pay

A 3rd party financing company that offers simple and friendly payment plans.

Check it out here at https://scratchpay.com/

PetSecure Pet Secure

Protect your pet for unexpected illnesses and injuries with pet health insurance. We offer a 2 week trial to pet's between the ages of 8 weeks and 4 years of age.

Check it out here at https://www.petsecure.com/