Small Animals
Small Animal Medicine refers to the treatment and diagnosis of smaller animals, such as dogs and cats but also many other species of animals.
Our staff is highly trained and experienced in how to care for small animals like dogs and cats, as well as exotic and pocket pets. Working with animals is our passion and we strive to provide the highest level of care possible for your pets.
- Annual Physical Exam
- Dental Care
- Surgery
- Canine Vaccinations
- Feline Vaccinations
- Parasite Prevention
- Microchipping
- Onsite Diagnostics
- Weight Loss/Slimfit
- Cremation
- Emergency
- Puppy Obedience Class
- Health Certificates
- Advanced Digital X-rays
- Spay and Neuter
- Wellness Exams
- Nutritional Counseling
- Ultrasound
- Allergy Testing
- Pain Management
- Pharmacy
- Orthopedic Surgery

Annual Physical Exam
We believe the best way to promote overall health is through preventative care. Regular checkups allow us to establish a baseline in your pets' health and make us aware of any changes that may indicate future problems.
We highly recommend bringing your pet in for regular exams. Often health problems that go undetected can become more severe issues when left untreated, so checkups are important even when your pet appears healthy.
Our goal is to help your pets have as many healthy years as possible with you—but the fact is, our animal companions age much faster than we do. That also means disease and illness progress much faster as well—which is why we recommend that all healthy, young pets have a wellness exam annually. Senior pets should be seen for an exam and blood tests twice per year.
Vaccinations play a vital role in protecting your pet’s health and are usually done at the same time as the physical exam to ensure that your pet is healthy prior to immunization. Which vaccinations does your pet need? While there are “core” vaccinations given to most every pet, your Prairie Animal Health Centre veterinarian may also recommend additional vaccinations based on your pet’s species, age, and lifestyle. You can get more detailed information about vaccinations on our Cat Vaccinations and Dog Vaccinations pages.
Want to make an appointment for a wellness exam for your pet? Call us at (306) 634-7123.

Health Certificates
If you want to travel internationally with your pet, you need to plan ahead. Since each country is different, you will have to contact the embassy or consulate where you are going to find out what you need to do.
Though every country has different requirements, most require a health certificate that is done by a USDA-accredited veterinarian. Luckily, we have a USDA-accredited veterinarian. If you are not a client, you need to make sure you bring your pets' records in with you to the examination.
You will always need a health certificate and proof of vaccination. You may also need a microchip and blood tests. Many countries require that your pet get treated for parasites prior to travel. You may also need certificates for the airplane ride.
Since each country is different and we can’t stay up to date will all of the changes in each one, it is important that you call ahead and know what you need. Then, we will make sure that your pet is all ready to go!

Dental Care
Dental Disease is the most commonly diagnosed problem we see in our companion animals. Keeping on top of your pets’ oral health can increase his or her longevity and overall, make their life more enjoyable! We recommend dental exams every 6 months so we can properly assess your pets’ mouth. We offer dental cleanings to remove tartar buildup and promote the healthiest mouth your pet can have!
Dental Care Recommendations
1. Brushing: Must be done daily!
- Most important way to decrease plaque and tartar build-up.
- Brush the outside borders of the teeth once a day for 60 seconds in a back and forth motion.
- Brush at a 45° angle to the gum line to help get under the gums.
- Children soft bristle tooth brushes for dogs and tufted tooth brushes for cats.
2. Toothpaste
- Have added enzymes to break down plaque and tartar.
- Apply to the toothbrush before brushing.
- Come in many different flavors to help your pet enjoy the experience of getting their teeth brushed.
- DO NOT use human toothpaste on your pet as they contain detergents and have the potential to make your pet vomit.
3. Oral Gels
- Antibacterial and breath freshener agent can be used in place of toothpaste. Place one to two drops on the surface of the toothbrush. Can be used after brushing. Apply one to two drops to your finger and apply to the outside surface of the teeth (repeat for other side of the mouth).
- Mix in the white powder and shake to dissolve. Keep refrigerated. Product will change to a green color over time, this is ok. Please discard if product turns brown or black.
4. Oral Rinses
- Can be water additives or directly applied to the mouth (refer to staff).
- Used in pets not willing to get their teeth brushed.
- Most commonly used as a breath freshener.
5. Chews & Treats
- Main action is to get your pet chewing and producing saliva to flush out the mouth.
- CET chews – Antibacterial and anti-plaque properties. Give one treat per day...
- Greenies – Anti-plaque and tartar properties. Give one treat per day. Following instructions on the bag for feline Greenies...
- Medi-Chews - Antibacterial and anti-plaque properties. Give one treat per day.
- Kongs – Great toy for chewing. Make sure to get an appropriate sized toy for your pet.
6. Diets
- Hill’s T/D - Can be given to your pet as a sole diet or used as a treat to reduce plaque and tartar. Treat instructions are 1 treat per 5 pounds of body weight per day.
- Medi-Cal Dental – Used as a sole diet for the reduction of plaque and tartar. Refer to your veterinarian
We recommend using product that have the VOHC seal. This means that the product has be tested and proven to work to reduce plaque, tartar or both and that it is safe for your pets. Simply visit www.vohc.org/accepted_products.htm for a complete list of the products.
Dental X-rays
It is estimated that 50 % dental disease in dogs and 80% in cats, occur beneath the gum line. That means they are not visible to us, but can cause significant pain or discomfort to your pet. Taking radiographs of all teeth is a part of every dental cleaning as 2/3 of the tooth is below the gumline and can not be fully assessed without them. A veterinarian views the pictures and any abnormalities are dealt with at the time of your pet’s dental prophylaxis.
Dental Disease
Dental disease is one of the most common health problems in cats and dogs. 85% of pets by the age of 3 have some form of dental disease. It can start as early as 6 months of age, especially when pets are replacing their baby (deciduous) teeth with a set of permanent adult teeth which occurs between 4-6 months of age. Common problems are retained baby teeth, crooked teeth as well as over and under bites. These can all create a higher chance for plaque and tartar build up and wear on other teeth in the mouth. Removing retained baby teeth at neuter or spay time is recommended. Keeping your pets mouth clean and healthy has been proven to extend your pet’s life on average by 2 years.
Dental disease has multiple stages: Stage 1 Mild Tartar; Stage 2 Mild-Moderate Tartar; Stage 3 Moderate Tartar and Mild Gingivitis; Stage 4 Moderate-Heavy Tartar and Moderate Gingivitis; Stage 5 Severe Tartar and Severe Gingivitis(usually involves missing or loose teeth).
Brushing your pet’s teeth daily is the best way to prevent build up. The earlier you start brushing the easier it will be to do. We recommend using only soft bristle brushes and pet approved toothpastes.
It only takes 24 hours for the bacteria and food debris in the mouth to form plaque, which is removable with brushing. It takes 24-72 hours for that plaque to harden into tartar which needs to be removed under general anesthesia.
Introduce proper chew toys and/or treats. Avoid very hard toys/treats such as bones, rocks, sticks and tennis balls as these can wear down the teeth or can even lead to broken teeth.

We are pleased to offer our clients the highest quality veterinary care. We want nothing but the best for our clients, especially during surgery. It is our goal to make sure that our surgical team is prepared to offer our clients the latest medical procedures. We look forward to learning about the newest medical advances in surgery and actively partake in continued surgical education.
Spay - A spay, or ovariohysterectomy, is the surgical removal of both the uterus and ovaries in female animals. Spaying is crucial in the prevention of pregnancy and the development of mammary tumors. Spaying your pet before she experiences her first heat cycle will give her almost a zero percent chance of developing these tumors. An ovariohysterectomy is also the treatment of a condition called Pyometra, which is when pus fills the uterus. Toxins can leak through the uterine walls into the bloodstream therefore causing a life threatening situation.
Neuter - A neuter, or orchidectomy, is the surgical removal of both testicles in male animals. This procedure is done to help minimize roaming and to prevent them from impregnating females. It can also help decrease aggressive behavior and urine marking in the home. Just like mammary, or breast cancer in females, neutering your pet will help reduce the risk of developing prostate and testicular cancer later in life.
Anesthesia - Anesthesia is one of the most important parts to a successful surgery and your pet’s quick recovery. Anesthesia is an ability to put a patient into a state of unconsciousness (called surgical plane) and bringing them back to consciousness after the procedure safely. The main goals of anesthesia are: quick and smooth induction, safe and painless time of surgery and smooth, uneventful recovery with no post-surgical pain. All this is achieved with medication. They are tailored to your pet’s specific needs, however risk always exists and precautions must be taken. Those include a pre-surgical exam performed by a veterinarian on surgical duty that day, pre-anesthetic blood work to make sure all organs responsible for your pet’s safe recovery (mainly liver and kidneys) are functioning well and IV fluids during the procedure to keep blood pressure (which decreases during anesthesia) at a safe level.

Advanced Digital X-rays
At Prairie Animal Health Centre - Weyburn, we are proud to be on the cutting edge of medical technology. Radiology is a technique and diagnostic tool that we use to look inside the body in an entirely non-invasive way. X-rays allow us to create images of all the body's organs.
In other words, the use of radiology gives us a view of the internal organs in your pets' body that we otherwise could not see. It is a valuable diagnostic tool that helps veterinarians detect and prevent illness.

Spay and Neuter
Spaying and neutering are important and necessary medical procedures that enhance the quality of your pets' life. Not only does spaying and neutering have positive effects on your pets' health, it's also vital to controlling the homeless pet population.

At Prairie Animal Health Centre - Weyburn, we are happy to offer microchipping. Every year, thousands and thousands of pets go missing. Not knowing where your pet is or how to bring them back can be a helpless, hopeless feeling. It’s a tragedy that happens all too often.
But there is a simple, safe, and effective way to ensure your pet's safety and retrieval should he or she ever become lost. Microchipping is a standard procedure that implants a tiny chip underneath your pet's fur. It is a painless and relatively fast procedure and is completely safe.

Canine Vaccinations
Vaccinating your canine pack member is a relatively inexpensive but essential way to protect his or her health. In addition to preventing many life-threatening illnesses, vaccinations can prevent diseases prevalent in wildlife and those that can be passed to humans. It’s important to administer vaccinations to dogs when they are puppies because their young immune systems are still developing and need protection to stay healthy.
Puppies should be vaccinated at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age—we do not vaccinate puppies younger than 8 weeks. Except for rabies, most other vaccinations will require a booster in 3-4 weeks; one vaccination against these diseases will not keep your pet protected. If you adopt a puppy over 12 weeks of age, he or she will only receive 2 vaccinations 3-4 weeks apart, then again at 1 year.
Which vaccines should your dog have? We typically recommend:
Distemper/Adeno/Parvo/Para-influenza – this is an especially important vaccination because the coyote and wild dog population in Saskatchewan have a high risk of carrying distemper.
Rabies – Puppies receive their rabies vaccination typically when they are 16 weeks of age, then again within one year. Following that, rabies vaccinations are administered every three years. Proof of this vaccination is required at all boarding facilities and to return into Canada if travelling to the US.
Bordetella/Canine Parainfluenza – important for dogs/puppies going to boarding facilities, groomers, daycare and dog parks they should receive this vaccination beginning at 12 weeks of age then annually. Administered nasally.
If your dog or puppy needs vaccinations, we’re happy to help! Schedule an appointment online or call us at (306) 634-7123.
Canine Distemper - Distemper is one of the two most important diseases of dogs. It is very widespread and nearly every dog will be exposed to distemper within the first year of life in our area. Signs include coughing, vomiting, diarrhea and loss of appetite, fever and discharges from the eyes and/or nose. “Squinting” of the eyes is often the first sign observed. Once the virus enters the nervous system, convulsions, twitches or partial paralysis become evident. It is spread through all body secretions and is highly contagious. It is usually fatal.
Canine Parvovirus -A highly contagious, potentially fatal disease. It is transmitted through direct and indirect contact with infected dog feces. Signs include vomiting, fever, depression and diarrhea, which often will contain large amounts of blood. It is especially dangerous in young dogs but all unvaccinated dogs are at risk of contracting this severe disease.
Canine Hepatitis - An adenovirus disease which may lead to severe damage of the liver, kidneys, spleen and lungs. Spread through an infected dog’s urine. Exposure can mean anything from a mild infection to death. Puppies are at most risk with this disease.
Canine Parainfluenza - A highly contagious respiratory infection in dogs. It is transmitted readily by air-borne respiratory secretions. Infection by the parainfluenza virus produces coughing and fever. This virus is typically mild; however, secondary bacterial infection may occur and contribute to a more severe disease.
Canine Bordetella (Kennel Cough) - An extremely contagious infection of the upper respiratory tract that is characterized by a persistent, dry, hacking cough.
Canine Rabies - Rabies is fatal viral infection of the central nervous system that can affect all mammals, including humans. The virus is transmitted through the bite of an infected animal. Routine vaccination is the key to controlling this dreaded disease

Feline Vaccinations
If you have a feline in your pack, it’s just as important for that pet to be vaccinated as it is for a dog—even if that cat is primarily indoors. Vaccinating your cat is a relatively inexpensive but essential way to protect his or her health, and indoor pets can also be exposed to disease. It’s important to administer vaccinations to cats when they are kittens because their young immune systems are still developing and need protection to stay healthy.
While any medical treatment involves some degree of risk, in the case of vaccinations, the benefits far outweigh any potential side effects. Adverse reactions are rare and usually mild and short-term when they do occur.
Kittens should be vaccinated at 8, 12, and 16 weeks of age—we do not vaccinate cats younger than 8 weeks. Except for rabies, most other vaccinations will require a booster in 3-4 weeks; one vaccination against these diseases will not keep your pet protected. If you adopt a kitten over 12 weeks of age, he or she will only receive two vaccinations 3-4 weeks apart, then again at 1 year.
Which vaccines should your cat have? We typically recommend:
- Rhinotracheitis – a common respiratory infection in cats that can be fatal in kittens. Sneezing, decreased appetite and fever, followed by a thick discharge from the eyes and noses.
- Calicivirus – an upper respiratory infection with symptoms such as sneezing, decreased appetite and fever, thick discharge from the eyes and noses and additionally ulcers on the tongue.
- Panleukopenia – a widespread and potentially fatal disease that may cause sudden death, onset of severe vomiting and diarrhea. Especially dangerous in kittens.
- Chlamydia – another common respiratory disease producing sneezing, fever and thick discharge.
- Rabies – kittens receive their rabies vaccination typically when they are 16 weeks of age, then again within one year. Following that, rabies vaccinations are administered every three years. Proof of this vaccination is required at all boarding facilities and to return to Canada after travelling to the US. An important note: cats are more sensitive to rabies injection, so we use a Feline Rabies vaccine to reduce your pet’s risk of vaccination site problems.
- Feline Leukemia (FeLV) – Infection with this virus can cause serious disease and death in cats. FeLV decreases the ability of the immune system to respond to infection. We have several positive cases each year in Weyburn and it can be found in the stray cat population.
If your cat or kitten needs vaccinations, we’re happy to help! Schedule an appointment online or call us at (306) 634-7123.
Feline Rhinotracheitis/Calici/Panleukopenia/Chlamydia
- Kittens should be vaccinated at 8, 12 and 16 weeks of age.
- Initial vaccination with this vaccine does require a booster make sure your vaccinations are given 3-4 weeks apart.
- One vaccination against these diseases will not keep your pet protected.
- After your kitten series is completed your pet will receive this vaccination annually with its annual physical exam.
Feline Leukemia
- Kittens should be vaccinated at 12 and 16 weeks of age.
- Your cat will continue to receive this vaccine until 2 years of age, indoor cats only will no longer receive this vaccination after that time; outdoor cats will continue to receive this vaccination till age 5.
- Kittens receive their Rabies vaccination in conjunction with their third FRCP booster typically they are 16 weeks of age.
- Your pet will receive this vaccination again within one year and following that it is administered annually.
- Cats are more sensitive to rabies injection; we use a Feline Rabies vaccine to reduce your pet’s risk of vaccination site problems.
- If you are traveling with your pet to the USA, you must wait 30 days after their first rabies vaccine.

Wellness Exams
At Prairie Animal Health Centre - Weyburn, we believe that regular checkups and wellness exams are critical to your pets' well-being. These wellness exams give us a chance to evaluate the overall health of your pet while also giving us a baseline for their unique bodies and tendencies.
Not only do these exams keep us up-to-date with your pets' health, but they also allow us to detect potential problems before they become serious. This thorough checkup gives us vital information to help keep your pet healthy!

Nutritional Counseling
Prairie Animal Health Centre - Weyburn offers nutritional counseling for pet owners of Weyburn and surrounding communities. If you have any questions about your pet's diet or would like more information about your pet's nutritional needs, please contact us today. We can set up a nutrition plan for your pet.
Obesity is a common problem among pets, as it can be easy to overfeed a cute dog or cat that knows how to beg. Being overweight is a serious problem for animals, and can cause real health problems. With proper diet and exercise, all pets should be able to meet their dietary needs and stay within a healthy weight range.

Parasite Prevention
One of the most important parts of keeping your whole pack healthy—human and non-human—is parasite prevention. That includes fleas, ticks, and intestinal worms. These pests aren’t just annoying: fleas can trigger allergies and transmit tapeworm; ticks carry many dangerous diseases including Lyme disease; and intestinal worms can bring on terrible digestive issues and other symptoms. Many of these parasites and the diseases they carry are also dangers for humans—especially children.
When it comes to worms, our pets can pick up these parasites from feces, fleas, contaminated soil as well as from their mother’s milk while nursing. All pets should be dewormed annually, and if you have a hunting dog, outdoor cats or farm dogs and cats, we recommend they be dewormed even more frequently.
As for fleas and ticks, prevention is always the best treatment! Prairie Animal Health Centre carries a variety of flea, tick and other parasite preventives, and we can help you choose which one is right for your pet. In addition to preventive medications, however, we also recommend that you thoroughly check your pets for fleas and ticks if they’ve been outdoors. Although fleas and ticks can be anywhere on your pet’s body, they prefer posting up near the head, ears, neck and paws. You can spot evidence of fleas if you notice little black specks that resemble pepper or bits of dirt.
If you have any questions about parasites or think your pet may be infected, don’t hesitate to call us at (306) 634-7123.

Ultrasounding is a quick and painless procedure. It uses sound waves to allow us to see inside your pets, without using the harmful radiation produced when we take x-rays.
We are pleased to be able to offer ultrasounds, along with all of our other diagnostic tools, to help your sick pets start to feel better soon. The quicker we can find the problem, the sooner your pets will be back to their normal selves.

Onsite Diagnostics
We have state-of-the-art diagnostic tools that allow our staff to diagnose your pets' condition or illness better. It is our commitment to stay on the cutting edge of diagnostic technology.
Having these advanced diagnostic tools allows us to examine specific areas more carefully and provide a quicker and more accurate diagnosis. We use many tools such as radiology, lab tests, and various other equipment and tests.
Urinalysis - A urine analysis provides information about your pets’ kidneys, bladder, and liver, along with other organs. It is important in the diagnosis of urinary tract infections, diabetes and several other diseases. There are three steps to performing a urine analysis. After either catching a urine sample or taking a sample directly from the bladder through the abdominal wall, which is known as a cystocentesis, we can begin the procedure. First, urine is placed on a dip stick with a variety of colored squares, each one representing a specific chemical reagent such as pH, protein, glucose, blood, etc. Once the urine is dropped onto the square, a chemical reaction occurs and changes the color of the square depending on how much of that substance is detected in the urine. Next, we need to determine the specific gravity by placing a drop of urine on a refractometer, which indicates how well the kidneys are able to concentrate the urine. Finally, another sample is placed on 3 different glass slides, stained and examined under a microscope to evaluate different elements like white blood cells, bacteria and crystals.
Fecal Floatation - A fecal float is done to determine the presence of parasites in an animal. This is done by combining a sample of your pets’ feces with a sugar or salt solution and placed in a centrifuge which allows the eggs to rise to the top of the vial. After 20 minutes, the sample is then examined under a microscope to confirm if any parasites are present in the animals stool.
Ultrasound - Our brand new state of the art ultrasound machine is the best diagnostic tool for heart and abdominal organs. In many ways it is superior to X-rays; small changes can go undetected on a film but will be noticed on a sonogram. Sometimes vague clinical signs such as vomiting, fever, abdominal pain, lethargy and decreased energy may be attributed to one organ which can be detected on ultrasound. Organs we look at are the heart, bladder, kidneys, adrenal glands, stomach, spleen, liver, pancreas and the intestines. An ultrasound can be used to determine if your pet is pregnant after 30 days from being bred.
X-rays - Radiographs, commonly known as X-rays, are a great tool for detecting bone and some soft tissue abnormalities. At PAHC we have a digital radiology machine, which allows us to take great quality pictures and view them within seconds, with no need for long film developing process. Computerized system also allows us to email pictures to radiology specialists and surgeons if needed for consultation.
The most common problems X-rays are used for include fractures, lameness, hip dysplasia, foreign body ingestion, respiratory problems and certain abdominal diseases when ultrasound is not possible.
X-rays can be used to do a puppy count 45-47 days into your pet's pregnancy

Allergy Testing
Dogs and cats can be allergic to almost anything, similar to allergies in people. Pets can be allergic to allergens in their household environment, outside environment, or even their food. Symptoms can range from itchiness and ear or eye infections to constant licking, and even vomiting or diarrhea. Many pets suffer from allergies which can directly affect their quality of life, as well as their owner’s.

Pain Management
Pets that are in pain are miserable. For this reason, we will do whatever we can to keep your pets comfortable.
We have many different choices when it comes to treating apets' pain. There are non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs which are very helpful with mild pain. We also prescribe steroids which can offer a lot of relief. We also have stronger pain medications if the non-steroidal medications are not enough. We also offer glucosamine in tablets and injections to help with arthritis.

It is our goal to provide you with complete veterinary care in a professional and accessible atmosphere. That is why we offer a fully stocked pharmacy to fill your pets' prescription needs.
Having an on-site pharmacy provides you with a more convenient way to get your pets' medication. We hope that this will save you time and ultimately enhance your experience with us.

Orthopedic Surgery
We offer a variety of solutions and treatments for your pets' orthopedic issues. We understand that orthopedic problems can be a big challenge for both pets and pet owners so we are dedicated to working with you and communicating with you throughout the process.
If you have any questions, comments, or concerns about our orthopedic capabilities or how we can care for your pet, please contact us today at (306) 910-7242.

Weight Loss/Slimfit
Obesity is becoming a very common problem in our companion animals and it can negatively affect their quality of life—and the length of their life as well. Just as in humans, carrying lots of extra pounds can lead to an increase risk of diabetes, heart disease, arthritis and other health issues. The video below can give you more information on the seriousness of this problem.
At Prairie Animal Health Centre, we use a body condition scoring scale to determine if your pet is at a healthy weight. Once we know for sure that your pet is overweight, we will enroll them in the SlimFit Program, which is essentially computer software designed to tell us how many calories and how much exercise your pet needs in order to shed the excess pounds.
While on the SlimFit program, we’ll ask you to bring your pet for a “weigh-in” every 3-4 weeks, so we can assess your pet’s progress and to adjust the food/exercise amounts if needed.
Once we determine that the pet is overweight we enroll them in SlimFit which is a computer program that tells us how many calories per day the pet needs to shed the excess weight using a specialized diet called Satiety or Calorie control, in addition to regular exercise. The way you feed your pet plays a very important role in their weight loss program; feeding smaller, more frequent meals throughout the day helps increase their metabolism as well as satisfy their hunger.
Just like us pets an have an initial weight gain within the first 1-2 months before starting to lose weight. It is important to not get discouraged. Taking before pictures and then monthly can help see the subtle differences in your pets body shape. Weighing your pet monthly will help us keep your pet on track and allow us to make adjustments to the feeding amounth depentding on weight reduction or gain. Keeping a daily log of activity, feeding amounts, and treats given can help with making adjustments.
It is important for the owner to bring their pet in for regular weigh-ins every 3-4 weeks as each pet is unique in their weight loss. It also helps the veterinary team assess the animal’s progress so we can adjust the food intake according to their success or failure in the program. By achieving the pet’s weight loss goals it will leave the owner with a feeling of satisfaction and the pet will live a longer, happier life!

Serious health problems, injuries and illness require immediate care. When your pet urgently needs to see a veterinarian, Prairie Animal Health Centre offers quality emergency care during business hours and after hours as well.
After Hours Emergencies
In the event an emergency arises outside our business hours call our main clinic phone number at (306) 910-7242. You will be greeted by our after-hours answering service who will direct you to the Prairie Animal Health Centre on-call veterinarian. There is a consultation fee for all small animal calls placed outside our regular hours, but you will not be charged the call fee if your pet is seen after hours. The call fee does not apply for large animal emergencies.
- Pale gums
- Rapid breathing
- Weak or rapid pulse
- Change in body temperature
- Difficulty standing
- Apparent paralysis
- Loss of consciousness
- Seizures
- Excessive bleeding
Safety tips:
- Pets who are severely ill or injured may try to bite, claw, or act in an aggressive manner toward those trying to help them. Approach any injured or sick pet slowly and calmly; say their name and see how the animal reacts. Call for help if the pet reacts aggressively.
- For dogs, fashion a makeshift stretcher if the animal is unable to move. Make sure the neck is supported.
- For cats, slowly place a blanket or towel over the head to prevent biting. Slowly lift the animal into an open-topped carrier or box.
- Elevate and apply pressure to any bleeding wound.
As pet owners ourselves we know that pet emergencies are stressful and we are here to help. Being prepared and knowing who to call is the first step.
Puppy Obedience Class
Clicker training is a positive reinforcement type of training. You use a device, called a “clicker”, which makes a distinct “click” when you push it. This teaches your dog that every time they hear a click they get a reward, either a treat, toy or verbal praise. If your pet makes a mistake, you simply ingnore it, as there is no punishment in clicker training.
Best time to start training is between 12 weeks and 1 year of age.
This class is offered four times a year, located at Queen Elizabeth School Gym and is instructed by Julie Chinski one of our Veterinary Technologists from our Weyburn facility. All you need to bring is a collar, leash and a bag of healthy treats ( we recommend zukes). We supply the clicker
Julie has attended a clicker training program, this follows the Karen Pryor Academy, and a number of other behavior continuing education sessions. Enrolling your puppy is the most efficient way to teach good behaviours that will last a lifetime. If you are interested in enrolling your dog call (306) 910-7242 or email juliechinski@pahc.ca.
Julie has been amazing to work with and I would highly recommend this class! My biggest regret about clicker training is not taking this class sooner than I did. Having waited until Ruger was over a year old before taking obedience classes, he had developed a lot of bad habits and did not listen at all.
I took Ruger to a meet and greet before classes started as this is a class normally offered for younger puppies. It was clear that night that Ruger was going to require a lot more work than the younger puppies, as we had to work towards breaking all his bad habits, along with learning basic commands. It was evident that Julie really wanted to help Ruger (and me), and was very accommodating to work with us!
Clicker training has worked really well for teaching Ruger new commands. I was amazed at how fast he caught on to different words when we were in class. It has been so beneficially to me to attend these classes and gain the tools I needed to work with Ruger. Julie was so patient, caring and great at answering all my questions and willing to look into anything if she didn’t have the answer right away.
Julie made it clear from the beginning that I could contact her anytime with questions or concerns, not just during the eight weeks of class, but also in the future when sessions had ended. Thanks so much Julie! It has been a great experience and I really appreciate everything you have done!!!